Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Artist Investigation

Cover lesson work.


To further your understanding of graphic communication practitioners

Using the web, the list below and my books, research and present a contextual investigation of a relevant artist, illustrator, photographer or designer. 

REMEMBER - You will be working in a similar style, so pick something that suits your project and that you are going to enjoy investigating and making.

Feel free to ask me for suggestions. The list below is just some interesting suggestions. Remember that you are looking for a designer or artists that could influence your work and that you will be working in the style of. 

Feel free to look through my Pinterest boards HERE

Some are linked, some you have to copy and paste into Pinterest

The contents of the investigation should include the following:

Gather 4+ pieces of their work - bullet point why these pieces are characteristic of the artist’s work. Don’t describe them separately, look for similar traits. 

Explain your personal response and criticise and analyse their work. Use the relevant questions on the LOOKING AT ARTEFACTS sentence starters sheet to help your questioning and responses. 

The full 'Looking At Artefacts' sheet is HERE

Respond to their work by emulating their style or process. Take characteristics of their work and merge them with your own work. Translate the work into your own ideas. Don’t spend hours copying whole images. Copies don’t earn many marks - your personal response does.

For those students wishing to achieve the top grades:

Context GCSE Stretch and Challenge 1 Write about the context. What other designers are working at the same time? Include a range of illustrator's work

Influences GCSE Stretch and Challenge 2 Research to find out who the designer has been influenced by. To do this you may need to read an interview with the illustrator. 

Just Google "Interview with [illustrator's name]" and read a few passages

Monday, 1 April 2019

Thumbnail your initial designs

To work through your initial ideas in an uninhibited fashion. Working in pen means that you can work quickly and not worry about making mistakes. Consider the fact that one of the ideas that you make will eventually make it through to be a final design. Get all of your ideas no paper now, however strange.
For those who consider themselves not able to draw... think of these as diagrams rather than drawings.

The work at the bottom of the post is not A grade standard, but they have a lovely looseness to the drawing.

Using a pen, draw out your ideas over a couple of sketchbook spreads or more.
Firstly, pour all of your ideas out. 

Then, if you like one, in particular, develop that one for a few scamps until you have a better, more refined version.
By refining, you are looking at improving the placement of the title, or the direction of an image. 

You may colour them if you wish, but do it loosely and don't spend too much time on it.

Checklist for assessment
Loads and loads of different ideas being explored and refined.

Time needed
3 hrs

First lesson back after Easter