Monday, 25 March 2019

Investigate using photography

To gather further primary research for your Component 1 project. 

To enable those who feel drawing is weak to collect useful primary research.   
Within the mark scheme, AO3 states: 'Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.'

Task 1
1. Consider the subject matter for your project. Take a collection of 30+ photos that you could either edit and use in the final artefact or just use as drawing/illustration reference.
To get the best results from this task, be as creative as you can with your subject and composition. 
As an example, if you have a wise old wizard in your book—and don't have a wise old wizard to hand—dress up your friend/dad/self in a bed sheet, cardboard hat and long stick. Pose them in different, relevant positions. 
Or, look on YouTube for tutorials about how to create wise old wizard make-up. There are loads of tutorials (plenty of zombies) on make-up. Make sure you then photograph the 'making of' period.
You will get plenty of good results from using your initiative. 
Do not make excuses as to why you couldn't get interesting images, there is no excuse.

Task 2 2. Print off and annotate -
  • Note images that are good. This might be due to them being in focus, correct composition etc. 
  • Cross out images that are not to be used. Out of focus, badly cropped, wrong position etc. 
  • Write simple notes against the photos, 'out of focus', 'too far away' or 'too dark', 
  • Make your annotations obvious - write in pink? 
Within the contact sheet presentation, comment on the following:
  • What were your intentions for the shoot? Why take these images? 
  • What are the successful elements, What worked well? 
  • What were the unsuccessful elements? What didn't work well? 
  • If you were to take these images again, what would you do to make them more suitable? 
  • Do you believe that you have all the shots you need for the project? If not, what others do you need to take? 
Checklist for assessment
Lots of interesting photographs with concise and insightful evaluative annotations. 

Start of the lesson, April 29th.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Conventions of the form

To increase your understanding of the elements needed to create a successful artefact. The 'form' relates to the artefact that you are making for component 1. Graphics products come in various 'forms': game covers, packaging, magazines boo covers etc.


Annotate a few examples of artefacts to indicate the elements that are typically included.
If you find that there is not much on a single digipak or book cover, use a few different examples - especially if you are aiming for a 7 or 8.

Those looking at children's' picture books, you will find that once you have noted down things such as title, author, image etc, you will wish to examine some in a little more detail. Notice general things about the use of type, is it straight? what sort of typefaces? Maybe look at the size and shape of characters, how big are their heads? what expression do they have? You are after generalisations, not specifics fo these tasks.

Those looking at album cover design, once you have completed stating that most albums have a title, image and barcode, you will want to look a little deeper. Try gathering some example from different genres (metal, country, indie, Blues, EDM etc) and noting the similarities or differences that they have. As an example, you may wish to spot at how Blues albums mainly feature musicians holding or playing their main instrument - probably guitar. This is due to the audience's fondness for seeing blues artists and being able to actually play rather than mime. There is authenticity.

Time needed 
2 hrs over at least a double page spread. 


April 1st

Monday, 11 March 2019

Writing and presenting your brief - Homework

Use the presentation to properly compose and structure your brief for component 1.
Then present it beautifully in your sketchbook.

Deadline 19 March

Thumbnails of other designs - Classwork

To further understand the part white space and layout plays in a graphic artefact.
To become aware of how designers balance elements on a page.

Gather a range of similar artefacts. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples.
Draw them in your sketchbook.
Pay close attention to the light and dark tones—allow your brain to 'threshold' the greys into either light or dark tones. See my measly example above.
The images above are of magazines - not book covers, or CD Digipaks or Children's book covers but you get the gist.

Remember, you can to look at my PINBOARDS if you are struggling for examples...

Checklist for assessment
18 examples or two pages.


March 19th

Monday, 4 March 2019

Create a moodboard - Homework

Your homework task is to assemble and present a mood board related to your brainstorm or content research (band lyrics, story, etc).
Look at your brainstorm and collect related imagery 
The mood board should be presented on a double page spread of your sketchbook... or more!
Don't be too strict on yourself - at this stage in the project, you can let your imagination run wild... pretty much anything goes.
The end result should completely cover your pages and be a carnival of ideas.
Use the Critical Reflection helpsheet when annotating.

What to include?
Imagery from your brainstorm 
    (photographs, drawings, illustration, your own and found)
Words and phrases, lyrics - printed and handwritten
Potential colour schemes
Textures and associated ephemera

Deadline - Tuesday, March  12th

Sunday, 3 March 2019


To allow you to retrieve and create a wealth of ideas for your unit 1 project.

1. In your sketchbook, brainstorm all of the possible ideas / associations that you associate with your story / lyrics / title / synopsis / brand.

2. Attempt to ‘free-associate’ - allowing your brain to come up with ideas - with many of the words. Don’t judge yourself at this point, just let the ideas flow.

3. Feel free to draw and doodle and stick photos in and around your brainstorm. Your book should start off with a bang.

This could be attempted in many forms the following ways:
Children's book cover  
Print the story out, (double line spaced is helpful) and annotate in the margins. Highlight key scenes and subject matter that could be used on the cover. 
Game cover 
Start with a few words in the middle of a page. The words should be linked to the game. For Epic City Limits you would write the 'name' of the game, 'city', 'jobs', 'youths' etc. Then, using a thesaurus, branch out with connections.
Design for music 
Come up with a name for the album. THIS LIST of THEMES should help you.
Then brainstorm the name/theme to arrive at a concept.
For existing bands/singers - print off lyrics by and annotate them in the margins. Maybe you can arrive at a theme through the lyrics.
If you have a rough design idea already (e.g. the 1980s) then feel free to use this as the basis of your brainstorm.
Packaging design 
Brainstorm the name of the product... and the overall 'feel' or 'message' of the product.
Magazine design 
Brainstorm the name of the mag... and the overall 'feel' or 'message'. List features that could be included as these might be referenced on the cover.

Checklist for assessment
Loads of interesting ideas.

Time needed
1 hr

Deadline  11 March.